The Sports Gala-2022 was held from 21st to 23rd November 2022 at SST Public School Rashidabad. This annual event was inaugurated by the principal of SST Public School Rashidabad, Air Commodore (Retd) Nayyar Qayyum Khawja. Four schools participated with zeal and fervor. The participants were;
- SST Public School Rashidabad
- Baqai Cadet College
- Cadet College Sanghar
- Cadet College Larkana
The Gala was featured in five sports including Cricket, Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, and Football. The annual sports gala lasted for three consecutive days during which the participants displayed a high standard of professional excellence and sportsman spirit. After three days of zeal and fervor, the last match of the football was held between SST Public School and Cadet College Larkana, in which SST won the match by 4-1. Hockey and Football were won by SST Public School Rashidabad. Cricket was won by Cadet College Sanghar and Volleyball by Baqai Cadet College. Cadet College Larkana won the Basketball. There was a Winner’s trophy based on overall performance and it was shared by SST Public School Rashidabad and Cadet College Sanghar.
Now moving towards the final ceremony, in which Commissioner Inland Revenue Hyderabad Mr. Farooq Azam Memon was the chief guest. He encouraged the youth and highlighted the importance of sports in schools. His articulated words were physical fitness, tolerance, solidarity, and the culture of the nation based on the sportsman spirit.
The principal of SST Public School thanked all and distributed shields and awards among the winners accompanied by the chief guest. The principal SST Public School presented souvenir to the chief guest. Later on, all the participants presented souvenirs to the principal SST Public School Air Commodore (Retd) Nayyar Qayyum Khawja. The event ended with the slogans of Nara-e-Pakistan and the national anthem.