Progress Section:
The School's Progress Section is tasked with all record-keeping, assisting all vital offices of the school starting from housemasters to the Principal.
The Progress section has relatively broader undertaking that entails efficiency and proactive approach. A Master Folder for each individual student is carefully maintained tracking record of his throughout stay, starting from admission to the final clearance. The master folder serves as a ready reference while deciding on boys and essentially helps take informed and precise decisions. The folder is treated as strictly confidential – 'only for the eyes'. Likewise, progress section maintains exact record on teachers in the form of faculty Dossiers and the Dossier records all aspects of service, contribution, development courses and other professional aspects.
Apart from this individual-level database, progress section maintains school lists, augments all academic effort and generously assists all departments in the execution of their routine and special duties. The school is currently intending to enhance role of progress section and accordingly beef it up. Progress section maintains accurate archives on all matters of school interest and remains abreast of warranted developments. It is fast switching to paperless environment.